it's bad enough to try to understand someone elses code when you speak the same language - it must be damn near impossible if everything's in chinese

On 27 Mar 2008, at 16:45, Kerry Thompson wrote:

Laurent wrote:

sick. If you want to know for how little money projects are proposed and
how fast programmer people on earth can work for go there:

I found the same thing when I registered with There are hundreds of jobs with a budget of $500 or less, and precious few worth bidding on. All my work comes from contacts--current and former clients, colleagues, and the like.

There is a downside to outsourcing, though. I've worked on two major projects, one for Disney and one for Sesame Street, that were initially outsourced overseas. Both projects were eventually deemed substandard, and completely re-written in-house.

I'm not saying the programmers overseas are substandard--I've worked with some fine Chinese and Indian programmers (even some good Europeans ;-) There are so many problems with time differences, cultural differences, expectations, and a host of other issues that it often costs more to send something overseas.


Kerry Thompson

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