You shouldn't be using capture phase until you've got a really good handle on bubbling phase first.

You shouldn't have bubbling turned on for your button unless you are planning on catching this event above this clip, as well.

Event Bubbling means that the TextField is dispatching a bubbling event automatically and you are catching it because you're listening to the clip that contains the TextField for the CLICK event. You're going to receive the TextField CLICK even though you want just the MovieClip CLICK. You set mouseChildren = false so you don't receive events from anything but the MovieClip.

Take off the true flag for bubbling and set mouseChildren = true. This should solve your issue.

Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) wrote:
okay i've tried everything i can find in the book re: this problem and it doesn't seem to be having any affect

i've tried the mouseChildren option (commented out) and useCapture tomfoolery (seems to be firing in the CAPTURING_PHASE as that's the only one i can get any result from) and i've also tried separating the graphic elements from the container displayobject to get rid of any code wierdness. I've even tried putting the solid block on top of the text and applying the event to that but none of it has worked.

here is my code (with eventphase extra bits in place):

private function createPeriodBar(dateStart:int, dateEnd:int, pbTitle:String, pbDate:String, pbList:Array = null):void
            var pixelStart:int = yearsToPixels(dateStart);
            var pixelEnd:int   = yearsToPixels(dateEnd);
var pbX:int = pixelStart;
            var pbWidth:int = pixelEnd - pixelStart;
var pbYStart:int = taTitleBarHeight + pbSpace; var pbY:int = pbYStart + pbGetY(dateStart, dateEnd) * (pbHeight+pbSpace); var pbcontainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
            var pb:Shape = new Shape();

            if (uint(dateEnd-dateStart) > 1)
      ,.3);// white 50% alpha
                pbcontainer.x = pbX;
                pbcontainer.y = pbY;
var pbText:SimpleTextField = new SimpleTextField(0xFFFFFF, 14, headingFont, 4, -2, pbWidth-4, 25, pbTitle, false);
                pbText.selectable = false;
                pbText.text += " ";
                pbText.text += pbDate;
                var pbf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                pbf.font                = subheadingFont;
                pbf.size                = 10;
                var pbCurrentLength        = pbTitle.length+1;
                var pbDateLength        = pbText.length;
                pbText.setTextFormat(pbf, pbCurrentLength, pbDateLength);
                //pb.mouseChildren = false; //
            } else
      ,.5);// white 50% alpha
                pbcontainer.x = pbX;
                pbcontainer.y = pbY+(pbHeight/2);
            pbcontainer.rolloverText = pbTitle + "\n" + pbDate;
pbcontainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pbMouseOverListener, true); // changed to click to make it easier to track scrollableBase.addChild(pbcontainer);
private function pbMouseOverListener(e:MouseEvent):void
            if (e.eventPhase == EventPhase.CAPTURING_PHASE)
                mfTextField.text =;
                trace (;
                mouseFollower.visible = true;

really hope you can help because i'm stumped (and it's 12.15 am ;) )


On 31 Mar 2008, at 23:20, Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) wrote:

i have the moock book but i couldn't get my head round the bubbling phase and how it affected me - i need to look into it a bit more

i added mouseChildren=false but it made the entire event stop - even on the objects that were working before, and i didn't even get the error

is this because i've drawn directly in the sprite?

here's what i did:

private function createPeriodBar(dateStart:int, dateEnd:int, pbTitle:String, pbDate:String, pbList:Array = null):void
            var pixelStart:int = yearsToPixels(dateStart);
            var pixelEnd:int   = yearsToPixels(dateEnd);
var pbX:int = pixelStart;
            var pbWidth:int = pixelEnd - pixelStart;
var pbYStart:int = taTitleBarHeight + pbSpace; var pbY:int = pbYStart + pbGetY(dateStart, dateEnd) * (pbHeight+pbSpace); var pb:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); if (uint(dateEnd-dateStart) > 1)
      ,.3);// white 50% alpha,0,pbWidth,pbHeight,pbHeight);
                pb.x = pbX;
                pb.y = pbY;
var pbText:SimpleTextField = new SimpleTextField(0xFFFFFF, 14, headingFont, 4, -2, pbWidth-4, 25, pbTitle, false);
                pbText.selectable = false;
                pbText.text += " ";
                pbText.text += pbDate;
                var pbf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                pbf.font                = subheadingFont;
                pbf.size                = 10;
                var pbCurrentLength        = pbTitle.length+1;
                var pbDateLength        = pbText.length;
pbText.setTextFormat(pbf, pbCurrentLength, pbDateLength); pb.addChild(pbText); pb.mouseChildren = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------------------------- HERE
            } else
      ,.5);// white 50% alpha
                pb.x = pbX;
                pb.y = pbY+(pbHeight/2);
            pb.rolloverText = pbTitle + "\n" + pbDate;
pb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pbMouseOverListener, true); scrollableBase.addChild(pb);

thanks for your input so far


On 31 Mar 2008, at 22:30, Steven Sacks wrote:

IMO, explaining Event Bubbling as the reason the TextField is the target is complicating the immediate solution he needs, which is mouseChildren = false.

Yes, it's Event Bubbling that's causing the target to be the TextField. To understand Event Bubbling, read about it in the docs, or better yet, in a book (like Moock's). But, then you MUST do it yourself to learn how it works. If you don't play with it yourself, you will never "get it" no matter how much somebody explains it to you. I'm fully convinced of that. You gotta mess around with it to fully understand why it's so amazingly awesome.

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