Instead of using Math.random() in the randomize function, you would set the ID to the row / column position:

public function generate(numTiles:int):void {
var numRows:int = getNumRows();
     for (var i:int = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
       for (var j:int = 0; j < getNumCols(); j++) {
         setTile(j, i, (i * numRows) + j);

Terry and Tammy wrote:

First post so hello. Hope to be of assistance to someone in near future.

I am working through Essential ActionScript 3.0 and have downloaded Colin
Moock's Tile Based classes.

These classes fit a need I have for a set of games.  I have googled for more
info/links to see how others have used/adapted them but
have not come up with anything.

I would like to stick with these for a couple of reasons and the first and
most important is I have the authors book and can follow
his reasoning.

Can anyone send me a link on more info? Need to change things, I am new to
BitMapData/blitting, need to change TileMap from randomize to sequential?

Any help would really be appreciated.

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Glen Pike
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