I like TextMate on the Mac.

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:38 AM, Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) <

> I'm sure it's been asked before but as these things change over time, i
> thought it worth rehashing now
> what's your favourite coding environment?
> I really like FlashDevelop but because I'm on a mac, I've been looking into
> other options (although FD with parallels is a pretty good setup). I've
> found eclipse and FDT to be shaky at best - the AS2 libraries are incomplete
> (the mx lib has to be added to the default setup, for instance) and it seems
> to be a little unstable (if it doesn't crash entirely once in a while, it
> seems to get slower over time - maybe there's a memory leak somewhere?) and
> FDT costs an astronomical amount for something that is supposed to go
> alongside the Flash IDE when doing AS2 (which seems to be still the most
> widely used version of Actionscript outside of full-on microsite design) as
> it doesn't have it's own AS2 compiler.
> I've seen that coda has started supporting AS code hinting but without real
> OOP class support, it really only is a curio at the moment.
> what do you guys think?
> thanks
> allandt
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