
I should try
var func:String = "register";

instead of

to see, if an all code based attempt is working without having the
compiler do EXPORT tags.

I have attached a test situation build in current FlashDevelop on
WinXP as AS2 project.
Let us know, how it goes.

btw. what is your realname and what is your motivation working on
gnash? What else do you do?

nice to read you! You've been a motivation to play with AS2 for a long
time for me.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Peter Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The code on my old blog works for content published with Flash
> authoring. However, it works because Flash inserts the export tags in
> the swf automatically. If you have a swf that has a working
> attachMovie, but no export tags, then it must be attaching the symbol
> from another swf. An RSL perhaps?
> Peter
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:31 AM, strk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:01:37AM +0200, Matthias Dittgen wrote:
>>> if you mean EXPORT tags in the swf bytecode,
>>> I am not aware of the tags that are written by the compiler when using
>>> the code explained by Peter Joel, but I could imagine, that when using
>>> MTASC for compiling only DOACTION tags are written and no EXPORT tags.
>>> But I usually don't read SWF bytecode after comiling. ;)
>> I've seen a few compilers automatically adding non-action tags as
>> a side effect of AS interpretation...
>>> > My problem with the dmplayer.swf above is that it ends up
>>> > looking for symbols like 'video_frame':
>>> >  ERROR: No export symbol video_frame found in movie dmplayer.swf.
>>> > Which do NOT appear in any EXPORT tag.
>>> How do you know?
>>> Where does the SWF come from?
>>> Do you do some kind of reverse engineering?
>> The SWF comes from the web. I know by using an SWF dumper
>> (listswf from Ming - libming.org).
>>> >> This way you can attach classes that don't have a library symbol but
>>> >> extend MovieClip.
>>> > You mean it is possible to add entries to the 'symbols library'
>>> > trough DOACTION blocks only ? I mean, not something automatically
>>> > done by the AS *compiler* but something done by the actual VM/player ?
>>> I think so, but I am not sure about the bytecode/tags written by the
>>> compiler interpreting the code.
>> Could you send me (a private attachment if the list doesn't let you) a small
>> SWF produced as a proof of concept ? If it contains no EXPORT tags
>> but has a working attachMovie('symbol',..) I'll go on with the research.
>> This is for eventual compatibility fixes in Gnash (The GNU SWF Player).
>> --strk;
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