So I'm trying to nail down a work flow for building flash sites (read: not
flash applications) in as3. I had just about mastered fast seo friendly as2
sites when as3 came out and now that I'm making a concerted effort to
modernize my skills I feel like I'm starting from scratch in many ways.

Enter frameworks. So far I've looked at
PureMVC <http://puremvc.org/content/view/67/178/>,
Mate<http://mate.asfusion.com/>and Enterprise
Architect <http://www.sparxsystems.com/products/ea/index.html> (please add
any others I haven't listed)
On the upside, I like the idea of rapid development and reduced monotony.
But the most important thing to me is extremely lightweight blazing fast
flash using the least amount of bloat. In a perfect scenario, I don't want
extra file size due to wrappers of core commands.

So, assuming I'm comfortable with the file size/rapid development trade off
with one of these packages, my concern then becomes one of dependency and
learning curve. After learning a new API, am I going to have to hack or work
around it for those interesting situations that always seem to pop up? What
if something major changes on the flashplayer and my chosen framework
doesn't address it? I fear becoming too dependent on a 3rd party api.

I'd really like to know what you guys are using, any development horror
stories you have because of it as well as any insight you can provide about
the concerns I've listed.

Thanks for your time.
--Joel Stransky
Flashcoders mailing list

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