Haha!  Before you try Cairngorm, check out this article:


Having used Cairngorm for a while now I have to agree with him.  The article
is pretty harsh, and it only talks about the ModelLocator part.


On 11/14/08, Joel Stransky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the post Dave. Cairngorm sounds a lot like PureMVC which does
> away with events and implements a global command structure. So far it's
> appealing although my first run in with it was under bad conditions. A
> client of a friend had mangled it something fierce before he was brought in
> at which point he brought me in to implement deep linking. It was ugly to
> say the least. I have however heard great things about it since then. My
> gut
> says I should know how to do this stuff on my own before I go relying too
> heavily on tools that prevent me from getting to know the inner workings
> intimately.
> It's just tough to esitmate flash/flex work effictively anymore without a
> framework involved it seems. Clients don't have the time or budget for
> builds from scratch. Flash used to be so fun but now it's a constant
> learning curve. ugg.
> Interestingly enough I looked up the cairngorm site and saw a link to this
> blog post made just yesterday:
> http://www.anandvardhan.com/2008/11/13/popular-flex-frameworks/
> This should also be informative.
> http://www.insideria.com/2008/11/new-poll-which-flex-framework.html
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 1:52 PM, David Hershberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >wrote:
> > We have been using Adobe Flex for the past year and have really liked it.
> > It would be hard to call it "blazing" and "bloat" does seem like it might
> > apply to some extent, but on the other hand it does so many nice things
> for
> > us it is hard to argue with.  MXML is very powerful, but there is
> certainly
> > a big learning curve.  For basic stuff, buttons and containers and text,
> > it's easy to get started.  There are lots of subtle details though, so
> when
> > you start wanting to do things in ways the Flex authors didn't anticipate
> > it
> > often takes experimentation to find a way that works.  The Flex framework
> > code is open source at least, so you can always dig into that and see
> what
> > it's doing.
> >
> > We have also used Cairngorm, with mixed results.  Cairngorm doesn't
> really
> > give you much code, it is mostly a set of design patterns.  Some of the
> > important code it does give is a "controller" which connects Cairngorm
> > Events to Cairngorm Commands.  Cairngorm events inherently know their
> > dispatcher, which is a singleton, so you can just fire off events like
> so:
> >   new SaveGameEvent(game, user).dispatch();
> > and the controller connects that to the appropriate
> SaveGameCommand.  We've
> > come to the conclusion that Cairngorm is great for situations where most
> > user actions imply immediate communications with a server, but not so
> > useful
> > for situations where user actions are just manipulating data internal to
> > the
> > .swf.  We have ended up using Cairngorm Events and Commands just on the
> > networking side of our app, and for everything else we do more of a basic
> > Model/View pattern.
> >
> > I don't believe Cairngorm relies on Flex, but Flex gives you "data
> binding"
> > which works very nicely with Cairngorm.  Flex data binding lets you mark
> > certain state variables with [Bindable] and then the compiler builds
> > data-change events for you.  Then your view mxml classes use the data
> > binding syntax like <Label text="{game.description}"/> and the view
> updates
> > automagically whenever the Game's description field changes.  A Cairngorm
> > command might query a server and then the server-response-handler in the
> > command can set game.description.
> >
> > Dave
> >
> > On 11/14/08, Joel Stransky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > > So I'm trying to nail down a work flow for building flash sites (read:
> > not
> > > flash applications) in as3. I had just about mastered fast seo friendly
> > as2
> > > sites when as3 came out and now that I'm making a concerted effort to
> > > modernize my skills I feel like I'm starting from scratch in many ways.
> > >
> > > Enter frameworks. So far I've looked at
> > > Gaia<http://www.gaiaflashframework.com/index.php>,
> > > PureMVC <http://puremvc.org/content/view/67/178/>,
> > > Mate<http://mate.asfusion.com/>and Enterprise
> > > Architect <http://www.sparxsystems.com/products/ea/index.html> (please
> > add
> > > any others I haven't listed)
> > > On the upside, I like the idea of rapid development and reduced
> monotony.
> > > But the most important thing to me is extremely lightweight blazing
> fast
> > > flash using the least amount of bloat. In a perfect scenario, I don't
> > want
> > > extra file size due to wrappers of core commands.
> > >
> > > So, assuming I'm comfortable with the file size/rapid development trade
> > off
> > > with one of these packages, my concern then becomes one of dependency
> and
> > > learning curve. After learning a new API, am I going to have to hack or
> > > work
> > > around it for those interesting situations that always seem to pop up?
> > What
> > > if something major changes on the flashplayer and my chosen framework
> > > doesn't address it? I fear becoming too dependent on a 3rd party api.
> > >
> > > I'd really like to know what you guys are using, any development horror
> > > stories you have because of it as well as any insight you can provide
> > about
> > > the concerns I've listed.
> > >
> > > Thanks for your time.
> > >
> > > --
> > > --Joel Stransky
> > > stranskydesign.com
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> --
> --Joel Stransky
> stranskydesign.com
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