That is exactly what I have been saying... except I also wanted to point
out that, considering he uses a similar app for session controller in an
internet cafe, that it was also an insecure method.
Reliability and security is nil.
Dave Watts wrote:
I apologize if I've missed something that anyone has posted in this thread.
Insecurity? A SQLite database is ment to be written by clients... of course
it is not like a server database, with users, privileges and so on. But it
still does the job.
I don't think security is the main problem here, but rather the lack
of concurrency control. SQLite is meant to be a single-user database,
and has no multi-user concurrent capability.
Since AIR can talk to remote web services, why not just set up an
application server somewhere and let your AIR apps talk to that? Let
your app server (and/or its backend database) handle concurrency
control for you.
Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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