var floorplan:XML = <FloorplanData>
<floor name="1">
 <dept name="Administration"/>
 <dept name="Reception"/>
<floor name="2">
 <dept name="Human Resources"/>
 <dept name="Finance"/>
<floor name="3">
 <dept name="Marketing"/>
 <dept name="Accounting"/>
<floor name="4">
 <dept name="Sales"/>
 <dept name="Legal"/>

var dep:String = "Reception";

trace("floor: ", floorplan.floor.dept.(@name == dep).parent().toXMLString());

floor:  <floor name="1">
 <dept name="Administration"/>
 <dept name="Reception"/>

Is that what you're looking for?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mendelsohn, Michael" <>
To: "Flash Coders List" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:43 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] E4X question

Hi list...

I'm still relatively new with E4X. I can't get seem to get this function to return the name of the floor that the department is on. I.E., pass a string, traverse the xml, get the parent's name attribute. In my second attempt, I figured to test for the property name first, because the root node doesn't have @name, but still no luck. This should be easy, right? It's probably obvious.

- Michael M.

private function getFloor(deptName:String):void{
// always errors
var theFilteredList:XMLList = FloorplanData..*.(@name==thisLabel);
// this doesn't work either
var f:XMLList = FloorplanData.*.(hasOwnProperty("name") && 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<floor name="1">
<dept name="Administration"/>
<dept name="Reception"/>
<floor name="2">
<dept name="Human Resources"/>
<dept name="Finance"/>
<floor name="3">
<dept name="Marketing"/>
<dept name="Accounting"/>
<floor name="4">
<dept name="Sales"/>
<dept name="Legal"/>

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