
I dug out some old AS2 code - which used XFactorStudio's XPath library to grab the first entry from the RSS feed and stick it in a text field. Below is the example (it uses a generic string replacement function that I think came from Mike Chambers or someone @ adobe who did some nice String library for AS2). AS3 will be similar, but you can use e4X... Again, the blog content was simple text - they stayed away from fancy formatting too much, although I have tried basic css formatting of tags, which sometimes works... There are probably better examples out there, but hopefully you can get the picture.

   function _xmlLoad(success:Boolean ) {
       if(success) {
var obj:Object = XPath.selectNodes(_xmlObj, "//item[1]/content:encoded/text()");
           //trace("Obj is " + obj);
           var content:String = replace(String(obj), "&", "&");
           content = replace(content, ">", ">");
           content = replace(content, "&lt;","<");
           content = replace(content, "&quot;", "\"");
           content = replace(content, "&apos;", "'");
           var format:TextFormat = mpadText.getTextFormat();
           mpadText.html = true;
           mpadText.htmlText = content;
       } else {
           trace("Could not load XML");

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