After all this discussion, I've decided to suck it up and give these a read: GettingStarted/Learning_Objective-C_A_Primer/index.html#//apple_ref/ doc/uid/TP40007594 Conceptual/ObjectiveC/Introduction/introObjectiveC.html#//apple_ref/ doc/uid/TP30001163

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Plus it may turn out to be pretty
fun/exciting. Except the part where you get rejected from the AppStore ;)

bottoms up!

@implementation MyClass
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)aName {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        name = [aName copy];
    return self;

+ (MyClass *)createMyClassWithString: (NSString *)aName {
    return [[[self alloc] initWithString:aName] autorelease];

Wooohooo, now I see how much more control we could have by choosing Objective-C instead of AS, so so so much more control in the way things are written down. Can we ask for a premium in terms of pricing ? because the code is cleaner you know ... apple wise.

I have a serious example where one client needed an application: he did contact an approved iPhone application developper: the guy made a whole crap out of the project, making it unusable. That was laughable given he was some post thesis engineer and given the price he'd asked for developping this app. Then we contacted some 'smart' AS3 developper, who made it to the iPhone in a clean and functionnal way. Amazing story isn't it ? My conclusion: I will never ever ask some iPhone engineer to develop something again except for lists, buttons and panes rotating :) Too expensive all in all, and there's a chance that quality will get low (if you want to do anything more than displaying lists and buttons + scrolling panes).

Hey, that's cool but still not rad. We should all learn assembler / machine based languages, and stop doing cosmetics with either C/C++/ ObjC etc ... these are all interpreters. And Assembler is not that hard.

The iOS forcing people to learn Objective C is .... some dictatorial concept. I am glad some are going down this route, I am glad for them.

Cedric (Flashcoder huh?)
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