Flex is for RIA's and helps you with layouts and common controls and doesn't
really provide anything useful for generating art with either vectors or
drawing to a sprite. With the framework itself bulking up the size of your
swf and consuming additional resources, it's not really a good thing.

The generative art I typically use straight ActionScript with a library of
choice -- Hype (http://www.hypeframework.org/) being particularly awesome
for that kinda thing.

There's nothing stopping you from using Flex / Flash Builder as your editor
though. Just create an "ActionScript" or "Flash Professional" project.

If you're just looking for ActionScript generative art, I'm fairly partial
to http://levitated.net/

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:26 AM, Jim Andrews <j...@vispo.com> wrote:

> Can anyone point out to me any interesting art projects that are Flex
> projects? Particularly what I'm looking for are simple projects that combine
> some of the benefits of Flex with the benefits of Flash concerning
> generative visual art.
> It's looking too much like a no fun zone at the mo. Any spice out there?
> Any fun? Is it all corporate solutions?
> ja?
> http://vispo.com
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