
I have not done much generative stuff with Flash for a long time, but I can see what you are trying to acheive...

I guess you are looking for simple controls that let you control parameters for drawing stuff on your canvas?

Whether you use Flash or Flex for your components - you have choices - the end result is the SWF and the bottleneck will probably be in your code that draws the result onto the stage. Look at the "components" you can use in the Flash and Flex IDE's Flex has more stuff, but I reckon you could create your dbCinema app in either Flex or Flash - using the components wired up to control your parameters...

As a crude example of using components with AS2 in Flash - http://glenpike.co.uk/play/cerebral2.html - you can probably still do the same in AS3 / Flash with the component set. The code was not optimised, just experimental.

There are lots of blogs and ideas out there about optimising Flash code for "intensive" operations - that's going to be your nemesis if anything. Read blogs by people like Grant Skinner, Ralph Hauwert, Quasimondo (Mario Klingemann), Joa Ebert, Andre Michelle, Branden Hall - all worth looking at for their experiments and lessons in "coding interesting stuff as fast as possible". For example, start with some of these and also look through their other stuff, follow links from and to these pages: http://webr3.org/blog/haxe/flash-10-massive-amounts-of-3d-particles-with-haxe/

The above is not an endless list of people - just a starter for direction in pushing pixels fast...

Nicolas Cannasse, Joa Ebert and other people have done some serious work with leveraging Flash to do heavyweight maths faster using different methods - look at the first link... If you are into writing your own DSP style code, look at Pixel Bender which utilises CPU / GPU resources to do calculations. Look into Alchemy (Adobe Labs?) for leveraging API's or writing your own code (maybe with some C/C++) that can be loaded as a SWF at runtime.

For inspiration - there is tons of stuff out there - dammit I lost my bookmarks for these a while ago... Jared Tarbell is worth mentioning again along with Robert Hodgin off the top of my head - both of these guys used Flash a lot, but then also use Processing - I reckon it is possible to look at their work and see if you can do similar / the same with Flash, although Robert mentioned his frustration (FOTB 2008) at not being able to get the performance / flexibility with Flash that he could with Processing. Joshua Davis' Hype framework (someone mentioned) is worth looking at in the context of his work as he has given away code (in conjunction with Branden Hall) to allow people to start experimenting in a similar / same way as he does his own work (I guess / speculate on the last bit).

1000's of other people out there, guess you have to google a bit - if you find some good links to stuff, please post back as I lost mine...

Hope this helps a bit, but I reckon you can do it and you are not as limited as you once were with new features in Flash - translate Hobnox's 1D processing power to 2D - Aviary, Flashfilterlab, etc.

Anyway, just experiment - if you have the time, I am jealous. Maybe I should be playing instead of writing these emails ;)

   Most of all have fun and let us know what you come up with...


Jim Andrews wrote:
I'm a bit confused as to how to proceed with Flash. I've been using Director for the last 11 years.

You can see the sort of (Director Shockwave) apps I like to create at http://vispo.com/dbcinema/sw/sw.htm and http://vispo.com/jig/arteroids/exe . These apps contain menus, spin controls, drop-down menus, and similar types of controls, and generally lots of them. But they also contain, in the case of http://vispo.com/dbcinema/sw/sw.htm , high-performance generative art. They're both very 'interactive interface' oriented and also very high-performance-art-oriented. Windowing, menuing, dialog boxes, and interactive controls are important to them. But so is lots of room for the art.

I don't really care about filesize being bulked up by Flex. High speed access is common, these days. But if Flex is slow in performance, that's the more important thing, to me. Is it? How is it in terms of speed?

How would you approach making the above sorts of apps in Flash? Would you create them as ActionScript projects or would you use Flex?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jer Brand" <thejhe...@gmail.com>
To: "Flash Coders List" <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flex generative art???

Flex is for RIA's and helps you with layouts and common controls and doesn't
really provide anything useful for generating art with either vectors or
drawing to a sprite. With the framework itself bulking up the size of your
swf and consuming additional resources, it's not really a good thing.

The generative art I typically use straight ActionScript with a library of choice -- Hype (http://www.hypeframework.org/) being particularly awesome
for that kinda thing.

There's nothing stopping you from using Flex / Flash Builder as your editor
though. Just create an "ActionScript" or "Flash Professional" project.

If you're just looking for ActionScript generative art, I'm fairly partial
to http://levitated.net/

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