Yep - I guess I will need to get used to it - am I alone in thinking it's a bit 
of a dog's dinner of an app?

On 27 Jul 2010, at 11:25, Paul Andrews wrote:

On 27/07/2010 11:09, Tom Gooding wrote:
> <rant>
> I've just moved from CS3, that I'd been happily using for a few years to CS5 
> (so we can target FP10) and it seems to me to be a massive step backwards in 
> usability.
> The properties dialogs for pretty much everything are trickier to use 
> especially the way you apply filters. Just arranging and navigating the 
> panels all seems massively inferior to how it worked before.
> </rant>
> Has anyone else found this transition a bit painful and/or have any 
> suggestions as to how to improve productivity with it. Maybe... does anyone 
> know if it's possible to rig the CS3 IDE (I am on Mac) to publish for FP10.
> Tom

Probably best get used to it now. I have recently had to move from CS3 to CS5 
because the CS5 Adobe software won't export from CS5 back to CS3 and my 
customers are starting to go ahead with CS5..
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