That would be nice to have it auto open in a second monitor. I think they are 
just trying to bring the application look & feel closer to both After Effects 
and Illustrator.
> Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 12:02:24 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash CS5 IDE
> On 27/07/2010 11:09, Tom Gooding wrote:
> > Has anyone else found this transition a bit painful and/or have any 
> > suggestions as to how to improve productivity with it. Maybe... does anyone 
> > know if it's possible to rig the CS3 IDE (I am on Mac) to publish for FP10.
> Yes, a little painful - unfortunately some bright spark decided we did 
> not want to lay our properties panel out horizontally anymore.  I find 
> putting this to the LHS has helped a little, but it would be nice if 
> Adobe could have done a "floating" type of layout for the properties - 
> e.g. divide properties into sections and allow each "section" to float 
> left so it can be laid out horizontally or vertically.
> I do find there is not much stage space any more with having to have the 
> properties panel sitting on the left the tools panel is pretty useless 
> if you stack the properties in the same panel but I tend to have a 
> project window open too, which fills up the space regardless.  Because 
> most of my work is code based rather than animation, I don't spend much 
> time in the IDE, although I find authoring controls, and doing layout a 
> chore in CS5 - hiding the timeline has helped a bit.  I found Flash 8 / 
> CS3 to be more easy for authoring, but then I had that nicely setup and 
> I am still tweaking CS5.  If  I have to do any more heavily graphic 
> oriented sites I might have to knuckle down...
> At least they fixed the stacking issue where SWF's used to get stuck 
> behind the panels if they were a high resolution and it does not crash 
> like CS4 with projects, I am reasonably happy with it.
> Maybe Adobe bought shares in some large computer company a while ago 
> because we always need more real-estate, more memory and faster 
> processors with each new upgrade of Flash ;)
> 2 monitors is useful, but wish I could have a setting where it always 
> opens my "test movie" on the 2nd monitor without me having to move it :)
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