Hi John,

We've been confronting similar issues the last few days.  There are
some subtle differences in the way font embedding works between the
two versions which can mess you up.  Here's how we have fixed this:

Our problem was with Arial Narrow, set to "bold".  The font that is
embedded is "Arial Narrow", not "Arial Narrow Bold" (which may not
even exist).  This will cause a problem at runtime, but you would
never know when you're authoring in the IDE, because it looks like the
correct font is embedded.

I fixed my problem by doing a Find/Replace, replacing all instances of
Arial Narrow with Miso Light, and then replacing all Miso Light with
Arial Narrow.  The reasons for using Miso Light are that I knew I
wasn't using it anywhere else, but also very important, because Miso
Light is narrower than Arial Narrow Bold.  If I had chosen a wider
font, then some of my text fields would get expanded to a second line
which would mess up my layout.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 8:06 AM, John R. Sweeney Jr.
<jr.swee...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a legacy project created in CS3, Flash Player 9, AS2. Works and 
> compiles fine. I decided to bring it into the 21st century and opened it, 
> made a simple change and saved it in CS5. I compiled for the same Flash 
> Player 9 and AS2 and now I have two dynamic textfields that do not show their 
> content. I have the font Tahoma embedded. I trace the populated text and it 
> is there and the field is visible, but on the screen you don't see it. I get 
> a back copy for CS3 compile and it works. I upgrade it to CS5 and it fails.
> Anyone encountered this or have an idea?
> Thanks,
> John
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