Hi Andrew,

A fellow developer of mine just suggested the same thing. I'll see how this 


On Aug 11, 2011, at 8:40 AM, Andrew Sinning wrote:

> Hi John,
> We've been confronting similar issues the last few days.  There are
> some subtle differences in the way font embedding works between the
> two versions which can mess you up.  Here's how we have fixed this:
> Our problem was with Arial Narrow, set to "bold".  The font that is
> embedded is "Arial Narrow", not "Arial Narrow Bold" (which may not
> even exist).  This will cause a problem at runtime, but you would
> never know when you're authoring in the IDE, because it looks like the
> correct font is embedded.
> I fixed my problem by doing a Find/Replace, replacing all instances of
> Arial Narrow with Miso Light, and then replacing all Miso Light with
> Arial Narrow.  The reasons for using Miso Light are that I knew I
> wasn't using it anywhere else, but also very important, because Miso
> Light is narrower than Arial Narrow Bold.  If I had chosen a wider
> font, then some of my text fields would get expanded to a second line
> which would mess up my layout.
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 8:06 AM, John R. Sweeney Jr.
> <jr.swee...@comcast.net> wrote:

John R. Sweeney Jr.
Senior Interactive Multimedia Developer
OnDemand Interactive Inc
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169    

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