James Merrill skriver:
> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplatform/whitepapers/roadmap.html
> A new version of AS3 will be nice, it's just too bad no one wants Flash
> anymore. Flash player is basically dead in the water, with its future usage
> being hardcore gaming. How many of you guys/gals are doing that?

I find this lacking.

Let me break down the promised features:

* Mouse lock: rather trivial, but a real new feature.
* Right and middle mouse-click support: Stolen right from AIR, not new
* Context menu disabling: Almost the same thing as the previous point,
it is just a logical consequence. And it is also stolen right from AIR
and not new at all.
* Hardware-accelerated graphics/Stage 3D support for Apple iOS and
Android via Adobe AIR: Not a new feature, just improving the
implementation of an existing one.
* Support for more hardware accelerated video cards: Ditto
* New Throttle event API: I thought that this was already in the
shipping players?
* Multithreaded video decoding pipeline: more performance improvements
that isn't a feature

So in total: one genuinely new feature. One and a half feature stolen
from AIR.

* Keyboard input support in full-screen mode: Stolen from AIR and was
just an intentional limitation
* Improved audio support for working with low-latency audio: Personally
interested in this
* Ability to progressively stream textures for Stage 3D content: Sounds
fun for the 3d people
* LZMA compression support for ByteArray: I think this one is stolen
from AIR. And it is a trivial feature too, just some misc headers IIRC.
* Frame label events: Because framescripts are evil (they are not)

Much better total here: 3 new, 2 stolen.
Running total: 4 new, 3½ stolen.

* ActionScript workers (enables concurrent ActionScript execution on
separate threads): Yay threading! It might help a bit with those long
running tasks, but really, it is not as much of a game changer as you'd
think. It is of course important to be able to max out all cpu cores,
but really, there is a lot of details you have to keep in mind there.
* Support for advanced profiling: To vague to be deemed a feature
* Support for more hardware-accelerated video cards: Again? Just read
what I wrote above.
* Improved ActionScript performance when targeting Apple iOS: To vague
and not even close to a new feature.
* Performance index API to inform about performance capabilities of
current environment: Vague, but still enough to call a new feature
* Release outside mouse event API: Pathetic, but a genuine feature

And we are back with mostly trivial stuff, but the threading pulls the
big load here. 3 new features, none stolen
Running total: 7 new, 3½ stolen.

* Refactoring and modernizing the current core Flash runtime code base
* Work on the ActionScript Virtual Machine
* Updates to the ActionScript language

This is just really a work list, not a feature list. But there is a
feature like list for the last entry.

* Stringent static typing as default, with optional dynamic typing:
dynamic stuff just hurts developers more than it helps. Get rid of the
easily abused stuff and keep the dynamic features properly walled off.
* Type inference: Someone must have looked at the new c++ standard and
fallen in love with the auto keyword.
* Hardware-oriented numeric types: a bit vague, but a step in the right
direction. Lets just hope this doesn't turn into the mess of c and c++
primitive types.

So in total, there isn't a lot of new features being listed here. There
is a few good ones, some stolen from AIR and some trivial ones. Overall,
it is nothing too major.

What disturbs me is the complete lack of animation related features.
Adobe seems to have abandoned all the animation features in Flash since
CS 5. They don't believe in their own product (for this purpose) anymore.

Anyone remember Flash 8 when they added brand new drawing features? Now
that was a step in the right direction for the animation. The player
hasn't gotten any animation related feature since then.

Pixelbender doesn't count, since it is badly implemented and poorly
supported. No real animator is going to use it. Only programing geniuses
like me will ever use that.

If you ask me, Adobe needs to get the animation part back on track
before the competition runs past them.

Of course, Adobe can't ignore the fact that Flash is more than an
animation tool either. They are doing (mostly) the right things for
those parts. But they are forgetting where it all began.
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