Kevin Newman wrote:

> That's the most important point IMO. You can at least technically do high
> quality Flash like work with HTML5. It can still be challenging, but it'll
> only get easier over time.

Will it get easier? I think yes and no. As with any tool, it will get
easier as we get more comfortable with it, more books are published,
more sample code is on the Web, etc.

I don't think HTML5 will get intrinsically easier to use, though. I've
been writing code for over 25 years, and seldom do I see software get
easier to use with successive versions. The tendency is to add
features, which usually adds complexity. On the flip side, those new
features sometimes do simplify our job--Unicode, for example.

There have also been ease-of-use improvements, of course. The
debugger, drag-and-drop visual programming, and the like. Those are
more the exception than the rule, though.


Kerry Thompson
Flashcoders mailing list

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