we are learning the Cairngorm code.
We don't succeed in understanding, from the point of view of the code, the class ServiceLocator.as. If you look at the file Services.mxml I don't understand as ServiceLocator.as the class you/he/she able does to memorize all the RemoteObjects, don't I see containers? Can someone explain me this file mxml???

<cairngorm:ServiceLocator xmlns:mx = "http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml"; xmlns:cairngorm = "com.iterationtwo.cairngorm.business. * ">

<mx:RemoteObject id = "customerDelegate" source = "com.iterationtwo.demo.business.CustomerDelegate" protocol = "http" showBusyCursor = "true" result = "event.call.resultHandler (event) " fault = "event.call.faultHandler (event) "> </ mx:RemoteObject>

</ cairngorm:ServiceLocator>

I thank you Devis

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