Typically each Flex web application has its own configuration file... though
I do see a case where many mirrored web applications could have the same

For some reason I thought there was a context param to specify the location
of the Flex configuration file (which would make it possible to point all
apps at one xml document) but turns out that it is fixed at
/WEB-INF/flex/flex-config.xml for J2EE Flex applications. If you think
making this configurable is desirable, please log an enhancement request,
but for now it appears that you'll have to duplicate the configuration file
in each web app.

The {context.root} is a special token that is translated to the web
application's context root by the configuration parser. It's probably best
to leave it there to improve portability.

-----Original Message-----
From: chrs_hearn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 10:58 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Samples Error: FormatSourceService

hey thanks, seems to be it, the samples config file was in the 
samples install dir...

saying that...(my samples are on an e:\sites\ drive where all my 
website folders are while the cf/flex files are in the 
c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\web-inf\flex dir)...when i deploy flex apps is 
the main config file always added to or can you contain flex apps in 
their own sub dirs with their own config files, etc. (which is how i 
have it now).

also, i see the {context.root} all over the config file...am i 
supposed to edit this to a mention a path?

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