Understandable, at times folks can have different levels of Success. In that
right now China is ontop in the Gold Medal tally, therefore they are the
most successful right? Personally being an Australian, I'd consider the 7
gold medals we have now as being success as that's 7 gold medals that
someone in a given sport has that you or I don't?

Eye of the beholder is more the lesson here?

As for the Silverlight Video Quality, i'll let others echo what majority
have stated ( I have tonnes more of these ):

*"The online coverage of the Olympic Games on MSN is spectacular.  For this
Olympics, in the digital media realm, a milestone innovation will surely be
the entrance of Microsoft's Silverlight." – Andy Plesser, Beet.TV*
*"Initially, they [NBC] expected to use Adobe's Flash, given that is the
standard for video delivered over the Internet these days. But, as they
began to hash things out with Microsoft during a series of all-day meetings
at NBC's 30 Rockefeller Plaza headquarters, Microsoft was able to show NBC
some ways it could do more using its homegrown Silverlight technology." –
Ina Fried, CNET*
*"Like Michael Phelps, Microsoft is chasing gold at the Olympics. With its
Silverlight rich Internet application technology, Microsoft is helping NBC
break records in online viewership… If
continues to have the success it has had in streaming
of the Olympic Games around the world, it could mean gold for
Microsoft as the software giant continues its competition with Adobe and
that company's ubiquitous Flash technology"  – Darryl Taft, eWeek*
*"Experts agree the enhanced features will boost usage of Microsoft's Web
technology. 'This is an opportunity for them to showcase key features,' said
Will Richmond, analyst and author of VideoNuze.com. 'It will certainly put
Silverlight on the map with tens of millions of downloads because of the
Olympics.'" – Daisy Whitney, TVWeek*
*"It's not often when a piece of  technology impresses me enough that I do
the 'wow' thing when I'm using it. But the Silverlight streaming video
implementation on NBCOlympics.com is truly awesome … I have to give
Microsoft and its technology partners that pulled this off for the Olympics
a huge round of applause." – Jon Perlow, ZDNET*

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Cole Joplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     Scott,
> I'm not exactly on board with "Silverlight will continue to have successes
> as it has today." It's far too early to make that broad a statement. One
> day, maybe, but today? No. The first real all-Silverlight site, Ice Cube's
> UVNTV.com, has not been successful. Big fanfare, bad video, losing traffic
> at the plugin download page, big dud. Second big fanfare is the Silverlight
> player for video of the Beijing Olympics. Again, video quality has been
> roundly criticized as awful. Online viewership is way down from what they
> expected. Today, people don't want to download the Silverlight plugin. That
> is not a success. Not yet.
> --Cole
> --- On *Sat, 8/16/08, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] The end of ActionScript 3 as an EcmaScript 4
> implementation
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 1:30 AM
>  Anatole,
> I understand there is a sense of umbrage towards Microsoft over this
> decision; I disagree with some of the wild theories floating around as to
> what the real motivation behind this is. Seven entities in total disagreed
> with Mozilla and Adobe that the proposal was a right fit. I however look
> forward to seeing what the next phase of this standard will become, and
> overall Silverlight will continue to have successes as it has today, if
> either decision were to be blessed around this said standard.
> Silverlight has the DLR, so if folks want to spin-up their own iteration of
> an ECMA standard of their choosing, you're more than welcome to it and I'd
> be curious to see how you triumph!
> HTH.
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Anatole Tartakovsky <
>>    Scott,    I hope you realize that this goes beyond Silverlight or any
>> particular player - but to the heart of the  browsers problems today -
>> performance and robustness. If it was not for IE market share, ActionScript
>> would of been de-facto ES4 standard as it is supported by Mozilla and would
>> be quickly migrated to other OS browsers. And I have very low expectations
>> of Microsoft willingness to maintain IE on par with performance,
>> compatibility and robustness requirements - based on personal experience.
>>    The fact that this standard is blocked means war - and I would suggest
>> as the first step for the community to create a plugin script implementation
>> ( recognized as attribute on <script> tag,  loaded along with Flash for
>> faster market penetration)  to give developers a choice between old
>> javascript and actionscript - that can remove most of the power
>> Microsoft exercised last week
>> Sincerely,
>> Anatole  Tartakovsky
>>  On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>>     In what way is Silverlight proposing a new standard? ECMA decision
>>> has no affect on Silverlight. C# for example is a standard today, everything
>>> we are doing or using either adheres to a standard, furthemore XAML for
>>> example falls under our (Open Specification Promise)
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Specification_Promise.
>>> The DLR was introduced to allow dynamic languages outside the mainstream
>>> the ability to enter the RIA space, without imposing restrictions or
>>> ensuring they must abide by C# or ActionScript to get access? I would of
>>> thought this is an obvious positive for RIA overall (Adobe's Ryan Stewart
>>> agrees - http://blogs.zdnet.com/Stewart/?p=356).
>>> Microsoft and several other folks (Yahoo!, DOJO etc) all agreed that this
>>> wasn't the right fit, but are all committed to ensure we find a right fit.
>>> *shrug*.. so lumping this entirely in Microsoft's lap is a little skewed in
>>> thinking.
>>> HTH.
>>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Cole Joplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>>>      > --- On *Thu, 8/14/08, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*wrote:
>>>> > C# is an ECMA-334 standard. As to how this affects Silverlight? Cole,
>>>> could you elaborate?
>>>> Sure. Microsoft wants a new standard for web scripting using
>>>> Silverlight's RIA framework via .NET and the Dynamic Language Runtime. They
>>>> want to bring support for IronPython and IronRuby to web scripting. Some 
>>>> see
>>>> that as a Microsoft technology lock-in. Just like some saw ES4 as an Adobe
>>>> lock-in (or at least a validation of it).
>>>> ECMA-334 was precisely about Microsoft making C# a "standard." It's "a"
>>>> standard, but not "the" standard. It's an off-shoot. So, perhaps it is best
>>>> that history just repeats itself. Let them create a separate ECMA standard
>>>> for Microsoft/Silverlight, and another for Adobe/Flash. Let's whip out some
>>>> ECMA-402, and ECMA-402 -- pick a number.
>>>> My point was that this was not going to get resolved in ES4, where one
>>>> idea was going to get picked over the other. Standards promote commonality
>>>> and adoption. Those things can translate into competitive advantage.
>>>> Microsoft was not going to let Adobe have ES4 as "the" standard. It was too
>>>> much of an advantage.
>>>> --Cole
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Scott Barnes
>>> Rich Client Platform Manager
>>> Microsoft.
>>> http://blogs.msdn.com/msmossyblog
> --
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> Rich Client Platform Manager
> Microsoft.
> http://blogs.msdn.com/msmossyblog


Scott Barnes
Rich Client Platform Manager


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