
That's cool. I want to note that this message did not come in until I posted a message just now, just to clear the air on the claim that I have no common sense in being a lessor contributor, and having a more often contributor have the right to curse me out. So, I just wanted to make that hypocrisy clear to the one telling me that my ego is so big I don't have common sense. Common Sense says, no matter who you are on this list, you don't tell people to F___ Off like Josh did.

Take it easy and have a good Labor Day.

I think your comment below is level headed and good, and here's where I stop.

Perhaps you can post that message again if I get white-washed by Josh for informing [flexcoders] of [flexcoder] developments in the Open FLEX SDK, or Open .SWF (re: FTD Enterprise 3.0 flexcoder tool, and Multi-runtime which supports [flexcoders] as well as others (like AJAX, JavaFx, Silverlight).

I hope the list gets filled with more people like you.


On Aug 31, 2008, at 11:19 PM, Sherif Abdou wrote:

The internet is serious business :). Let's just all relax, I have yet to see an argument get won over the web so there is no point in keeping this going.
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Thompson
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flexstore license?

I'm simply responding to the F___ O___ statement.

There's no ego here.

Everyone contributes different things.

If FTD Enterprise 3.0 is not seen as a contribution with it's extensive toolset as an Eclipse FLEX compiler that works with the FLEX SDK than I'd say I disagree with you.

Check out the tool and you'll see that it provides a lot of [flexcoding] functionality that FLEX Builder does not.

Someone else asked about the Store, I made a reply, and he replied to me with a F___ O____

I think any reasonable person looking at the sequence can see that he overstepped the bounds.

If it was said to you, I think you'd report it also.

I'm not trying to get him off the list. After responding to his aggression I'll go back into my passive mode.

But I can't let a cowardly comment like that go unanswered.


On Aug 31, 2008, at 8:15 PM, Guy Morton wrote:

Josh was perhaps ill-advised to put that in writing, but frankly, he just wrote what others are by now no doubt thinking.

Josh contributes MUCH more useful stuff to this list than you do Robert, so if you really have other people's interests at heart you'd not be trying to get him kicked off this list. The fact that you are suggests to me that your ego has outgrown your common sense.


On 01/09/2008, at 9:55 AM, Robert Thompson wrote:

Because of your cursing, I won't respond to any more questions on this thread.

However, take the "we" out of your statement telling me to F___ O___ and calling my detailed responses schizophrenic paranoid delusional.

All others, attend the Webinar and try to protect your future by simply getting things straightened out. If they change from what I've read, hurray for Adobe!

I'll leave it as a clear case of abuse in the form of expletives, and names.

- Goodbye, and please get some sleep or take your anger about your life out on someone else.

On Aug 31, 2008, at 7:44 PM, Josh McDonald wrote:

No, I won't get off your back, stop spamming the list with your insane whining. "Ask Adobe" followed by 4 pages of your paranoid schizophrenic delusional rambling is not "answering the question".

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