reflexactions wrote:
> But then you have to write all the event creation and dispatch, plus 
> all the getter/setter. 
> That might be fair enough if you have a handful of props but if this 
> is a couple of data classes with says 100 props each thats quite a 
> bit of typing when all you want is a couple of props not to fire 
> events when they change... unless there is a tool to generate the 
> code from a list of variables.

There is; it's called Perl. Learn it, live it, love it. :)
Using Perl it's trivial to generate classes from a 'template' file. For 
a little more effort you can generate all the boiler-plate code for 
frameworks such as Cairngorm or Parsley or whatever you use. Java DTO 
classes etc etc.
I do this for every project and it makes changing the Model 
(adding/removing properties) trivial. Its also great for generating test 
data. SQL inserts, xml files etc. etc.
Perl offers a great return for the effort required to learn it. Do 
yourself a favour and give Perl a whirl.

  - shaun

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