----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] What is the best hardware configuration (on PC) 
for building Flex

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "piotrchruscielewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:31 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] What is the best hardware configuration (on PC) for
> building Flex
>> Hi
>> I`ve got some maybe not exactly programming subject, but also related
>> with FLEX.
>> I`m building apps on my notebook with some Core 2 Duo and 4GB RAM. I
>> want to buy some good desktop comp to improve performance etc.
>> Do you have some observations, experience - how can we make the best
>> environment for Flex programming ?
>> I`m talking about a situation, when we need to start Oracle database,
>> LCDS server , and huge Flex Builder running tomcat, some firefox for
>> testing, second one for some resources etc etc
>> I hate it when I`m waiting 10 seconds for compilation, or when i open
>> a file - eclipse hangs for few seconds. When I compile each few
>> minutes - it looks that almost one hour each day i spend waiting for
>> compilation etc.
> Piotr, according to my calculations, on a ten hour working day, without
> breaks that would be a compilation every two minutes or so. I think that
> even with zero seconds compilation time I wouldn't manage that. I've 
> always
> been taught that the time between compilations is more important than
> compilation time, so a "thinking/debugging/edit/compile" cycle that fits
> into two minutes, concerns me.
> I used to work on systems with a 45 minutes build time between debugging
> runs, so we would have been in heaven with ten seconds!
> My small point is that focussing on losing ten seconds per compile may not
> be the place where you can make the most gains. Of course I might be 
> wrong.
> Paul

Perhaps another slant on this would be:

Spending a couple of thousand dollars (or whatever it might be) in the hope 
of cutting your compilation times in half might be a very poor investment. 
Lets say you save five seconds per compilation. Just how long will it take 
to recoup the time spent setting up your new go-faster machine in order to 
shave off a very small amount of compilation time. It could easily take you 
months to see any advantage once you've taken the setup time into 
consideration. You could even set up the new system and only get a nine 
second compilation.

Is it worth it?


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