True regarding not being able to monkey patch the cached framework rsl.
It is always loaded first.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Doug 
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Framework RSLs -- Any Reason Not To Use? Any Problems 
Related to Their Use?

I think mainly you just need to be aware of the size implications
(both good and bad). By using the framework RSL you are removing the
framework from your SWF, which will reduce your SWF size by quite a
bit. However, you are also requiring the loading of the full framework
RSL. The full RSL includes all the framework classes, not just those
used in your SWF, so this RSL is actually larger than the savings that
you have gotten with your smaller swf. But this framework RSL can be
cached and can even be cached from other people's apps.

So if someone visits your app without ever having loaded the RSL
(either from you or another person's app) then their initial load time
will actually be longer than if you did not use the RSL. However,if
they have viewed another Flex app that used the RSL, then your load
time will be faster.

The other thing that I've heard is that you can't monkey patch
framework classes if using the RSL, since that gets loaded after your
main app, the RSL framework classes take precedence.


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]<>> wrote:
> I haven't heard of any :-)
> On 9/8/08 1:26 PM, "greg h" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<>> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am on a team that is pushing into production a public facing Flex
> application on the Internet. We have configured the app to use the Flash
> Player's caching of the Framework RSL.
> Before going live, I am posting here to see if anyone has experience that
> causes them to caution against using the Framework RSL (e.g.
> framework_3.0.0.477.swz)?
> I have seen the following post by Dmitri Girski's with his analysis on where
> RSLs offer the most benefit (Thanks Dmitri :-):
> But I have not had luck tracking down any horror stories. I certainly am
> heartened by this lack of horror stories. However, if by using the Framework
> RSL we might be introducing any risks or pitfalls, we sure would prefer to
> know before we go live, rather than hear about them from our customers ;-)
> If anyone might have advice they are willing to share, we would be most
> appreciative if you could be so kind as to share your experiences.
> Thanks,
> g

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