If you're using a framework like Cairngorm or Cairngorm with Extensions,
there are already recommended project structures. If you aren't using an
existing framework, then everyone will have to be on the same page with
the dev methodologies and conventions that you all have agreed upon as a
team.  There should be no issues using a flex project with your given
setup, but it may be worth noting that you may want to stay away from
including any flex builder specific files in the SVN, as everyone has
their own dev environment setup the way they like it as far as
workspaces and such are concerned, and that leaves the project open to
developers who may be using the sdk and command line to compile by
reducing flex builder dependencies.
Aside from that, I'd say it's good to keep all your view components and
sealed classes for your model together (minimally), and any external or
embedded assets in a separate folder defined as an additional source
folder so they will still get copied to the bin when building. All this
could of course be accomplished through ANT though if you want to go
that route.  Brief example:
The possibilities are really endless, but as long as everyone agrees on
the project structure, you shouldn't have any problems. This is where
existing frameworks can help take the headache out of things -- by
providing a known structure up front.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of flexaustin
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:11 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex Project Struture

Can anyone recommend a project structure? Maybe a tut or blog post on
the topic? We have several components (as and mxml) that we want to
use throughout several projects and by several team members, but not
sure the best way to structure the files and package them up. How do
we all share the files? Is a Flex Project the best way? We are using
subversion + Flex 3 + Ant.

Would like to build an Ant task that fetches all the files and builds
the structure once we establish what that structure should be.

Thanks in advance.


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