In answer to your questions:

1.  No. These are only used to make alignment easier. By adding
TextInput, TextArea etc to a formItem, Flex makes everything line up
nicely for you. If you just want to put a TextInput somewhere on a
page, you can.

2.  Nope - see 1 above.

3.  Just put a Form and FormItem tags in each accordion item (Or you
could use a TabNavigator and move between tabs as each section is
finished). When the user hits the submit button, go and grab all the
data they entered. It doesn't matter if the data is in one form or a
100 forms - You just pick up the data from the id of each item.

4.  Use a value object (Sometimes called a data transfer object). Put
all the data values you grabbed into fields in the object and send it
to PHP. Use either AMFPHP (Or WebORB which I recommend).

Finally, use whatever language you know. PHP works just as well as any

--- In, "brucewhealton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I could use some advice on a Flex design. I am needing to
> create a form, a rather lengthy one, using Flex. I was thinking of
> starting with a Flex Component, in particular a Custom component based
> on the Form component.
> In particular, it will have this:
> <mx:Form xmlns:mx="";>
> <mx:FormItem label="First Name:">
> <mx:TextInput id="firstName"/>
> </mx:FormItem>
> <mx:FormItem label="Your Company or Organization:">
> <mx:TextInput id="lastName" width="184"/>
> </mx:FormItem>
> </mx:Form>
> So, I'm wondering about some other ways of wrapping and presenting all
> of this.
> 1) The form tag is required, is it not? And the FormItem tag? I know
> there are other layout options but there must be these tags, or am I
> mistaken?
> 2) Assuming that is true, then all the fields, labels, form elements
> and the submit button must be inside the same Form tag, correct?
> 3) If the form is long, how would I use either Accordion features, or
> view states or something else to allow easier presentation of
> different segments of the form? In other words, I don't want this
> going on for 20+ items, including TextAreas, as that could be long.
> 4) Most importantly, I have a php application that takes the form data
> and prepares it to be emailed and then emails the user responses to 2
> email addresses specified in the code. How do I make the data and
> make it available to the php form processor? Does the id correspond
> to the name attribute in an html form?
> I think I use HTTPService to do this somehow but I could use
> help, please.
> I do know how to Validate the data using Flex, I just need to be
> able to take that form input fields and checkboxes, etc. and send it
> to the php application for it to be processed and emailed.
> Lastly, would ColdFusion work better with this than PHP?
> Thanks,
> Bruce

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