Well I've been going back through my code and I found a logical error in which 
I was not 
getting the correct reference to the old arraycollection and so I'd just like 
to close this 
topic by saying 'mea culpa'.  The data binding does work!  I just had to assign 
the old 
pointList arraycollection to the new arraycollection and bingo! we're flipping 
Thanks for all of the help on this topic!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "netdeep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is that I'm transferring an ActionScript object to the server, 
> populating it 
> the data, and then returning the ActionScript via BlazeDS and remoting (so 
> these objects 
> get converted to Java objects on the server and back to ActionScript when the 
> come into 
> flex).  And the ArrayCollection is buried deep in the the object and I also 
> build the 
> items for the chart on the fly in Actionscript.  So I don't have access to 
> the series items 
> the chart I create (for instance to reassign the dataproviders), nor do I 
> have easy access 
> the ArrayCollections themselves since they are buried in the ActionScript 
> objects.  Here's 
> some pseudocode of how the charts get created which illustrates the problem.
> in ReportObject
>   for each ChartObject in ReportObject
>      create CartesianChart
>      for each AxisObject in ChartObject
>         create DateTimeAxis and assign it to chart
>            for each SeriesObject in AxisObject
>               create Series and assign it to axis
>               bind SeriesObject.data to Series.dataprovider
> So when I get the next ReportObject pushed to the flex app from the server, 
> the 
> of the Report is exactly the same (i.e. x# axes, x# series for a given axis, 
> etc) but the 
> has been updated and the series do not pick this up.

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