I handled it by extending TreeItemRenderer, overriding updateDisplayList() & 
set theTreListData  icon based on some condition in the  node item.

override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, 
unscaledHeight:Number):void {
    var tlData:TreeListData = TreeListData(super.listData);
    var nodeData:NodeDescriptor= (tlData.item as NodeDescriptor);
    if(nodeData.icon != null){
       tlData.icon = node.icon;

the NodeDescriptor is a simple object that holds data specific to each node 
(icon, label, etc...)

- Ivo

From: Alan Rother <alan.rot...@gmail.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 12:11:11 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] - Tree Component Styling issue

Hey all,

I am building a sitemap tool in Flex 3. I want to be able to control all of the 
icons at runtime based on the data provided back to Flex from ColdFusion (XML).

I have managed to get the leaf nodes icons controlled by the data provider, but 
I cannot find a way to affect the folder icons at run time only globally. By 
that I mean, I can set each and every leaf to any icon I choose, but I can only 
get my folders to have one global look. I need to be able to define what icon 
to use for each folder, as in this case each folder represents a parent page 
and will have a status associated with it (active, locked, publishing, etc...) 

Any one found a way to handle it ?


Alan Rother
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
Manager, Phoenix Cold Fusion User Group, AZCFUG.org

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