There mast be somebody knows how to preserve hierarchy and to allow the 
TreeGrid to look the same with parents and childrens, 
using the ItemRenderer....

Sorry for the resending the question. I realy need
a clue here,

--- In, "yossi.baram" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> My problem is simple,
> In my TreeTable The ItemRenderer show me only one level.
> When I click the parent it will show only the level beneath it,
> although it has childrens, WHY??? 
> When I use depth, I can see the tree but it doesnt activate the ItemRenderer.
> How can I set the Itemrenderer to manipulate and show ALL branches?
> Please advice guys, I have been looking every where but couldnt find a 
> solution.
> Thanks in advance
> --- In, "yossi.baram" <yossi.baram@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > There is a greate example in the following link that allows us to create 
> > simple hirarchical grid with AdvancedDataGrid, implementing 
> > IHierarchicalData.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > I couldnt find a way to include ItemRenderer using this kind of 
> > dataProvider,
> > I tried everything but all I get when using a simple ItemRenderer is a flat 
> > tree with no hirarchy :(
> > 
> > Please please advice
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Jo
> >

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