I have built quite a few apps with Flex 2 over the last few years and have been 
using using a Java (JBoss) back end.  I have a new requirement for an app which 
needs to be able to run on- and off-line and deliver an identical user 
experience.  My limited understanding of AIR is that this is what it was 
intended to do, so I got FlexBuilder 3.

I have done all the sort of startup stuff that you would expect, like building 
an app from scratch and reading a collection of tutorials on the web and 
downloading a few sample apps, but I haven't yet come across a good resource 
for giving me the start I need.

(Naively) I was expecting to be able to build a regular web-based flex app and 
then "deploy" it to AIR, with maybe some additional features in the AIR version 
to take advantage of it running on the desktop.  Alternatively I was expecting 
to be able to take the AIR app and "deploy" it to the web as an SWF.

I'm obviously missing some basic element of the AIR philosophy because I can't 
really see how to do either of these things.  I suspect I just need some really 
obvious thing pointed out to me.

Does anyone know of a good resource to introduce the AIR architecture and 
philosophy to Flex programmers?

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