
We are currently building an on-/offline application with a shared
codebase. In (very) short: what you need to do is start 3 (!) projects
in Flex Builder: one Flex, one AIR and one library. The library wil
contain most of your code (all of the code that can be shared by both
platforms), while the two others contain only the code specific to
either platform. All code that is NOT shared between the two versions
should be accessed via a Factory method (Google: Design Patterns
Factory) which returns an instance of the platform specific object
containing that code (both on- and offline specific objects should
implement the same interface in order to make them "compatible").

I'm sorry I don't have time for an example, I hope this gives you some
pointers to get started.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:40 PM, simonjpalmer<simonjpal...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the link. I have been through most of them - quite a few are
> duplicates of links on other aggregated lists - and spent a considerable
> amount of time on the Adobe web site prior to posting here. The trouble is
> that none of these examples actually cover the single thing that I don't
> understand adequately, namely the relationship between a "traditional" Flex
> swf app running in the browser and an AIR app with an identical user
> interface running on the desktop.
> Most of the samples I have downloaded and picked apart so far are either
> examples of how you can create pure desktop apps with AIR, with varying
> degrees of sophistication, or tutorials for JS/HTML programmers to tempt
> them into the AIR runtime so their apps can have access to the user's file
> system.
> What I need is an example of an app where the user starts in the web and is
> provided the option of going offline, at which point an AIR app is installed
> for them and they can continue to work in an identical environment without
> being connected. Following that I'd like to see a practical example of how
> data synchronisation is managed when they re-connect to the web.
> This would seem to be an obvious lifecycle and at the heart of AIR's unique
> proposition, but I am not really seeing how it fits together. As I said at
> the beginning I must be missing something simple, basic and obvious and I
> was hoping I could get a pointer from AIR tutorials. No luck so far... any
> ideas?
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "grenma" <gre...@...> wrote:
>> Beside Adobe, you could probably start here:
>> http://www.smashingapps.com/2009/03/06/25-excellent-and-useful-adobe-air-tutorials-resources.html
>> RG
>> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "simonjpalmer" <simonjpalmer@> wrote:
>> >
>> > I have built quite a few apps with Flex 2 over the last few years and
>> > have been using using a Java (JBoss) back end. I have a new requirement for
>> > an app which needs to be able to run on- and off-line and deliver an
>> > identical user experience. My limited understanding of AIR is that this is
>> > what it was intended to do, so I got FlexBuilder 3.
>> >
>> > I have done all the sort of startup stuff that you would expect, like
>> > building an app from scratch and reading a collection of tutorials on the
>> > web and downloading a few sample apps, but I haven't yet come across a good
>> > resource for giving me the start I need.
>> >
>> > (Naively) I was expecting to be able to build a regular web-based flex
>> > app and then "deploy" it to AIR, with maybe some additional features in the
>> > AIR version to take advantage of it running on the desktop. Alternatively I
>> > was expecting to be able to take the AIR app and "deploy" it to the web as
>> > an SWF.
>> >
>> > I'm obviously missing some basic element of the AIR philosophy because I
>> > can't really see how to do either of these things. I suspect I just need
>> > some really obvious thing pointed out to me.
>> >
>> > Does anyone know of a good resource to introduce the AIR architecture
>> > and philosophy to Flex programmers?
>> >

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