You can add a responder to your AsyncToken which will carry your fault and
result handlers.

2010/1/18 trefalgar <>

> For those wanting to follow this suggestion, there's a good example here:
> It's
> towards the bottom, "Using a return token".
> Unfortunately, this example doesn't appear to work for me. It uses the
> Flex-built SOAP code and an AsyncToken to keep track of things. I don't have
> a FaultEvent.FAULT or ResultEvent.RESULT option when adding an event
> listener to my AsyncToken.
> Back to the drawing board I go.
> Jacob
> --- In <>, João
> Fernandes <joaopedromartinsfernan...@...> wrote:
> >
> > > That said, since #2 doesn't tell me what user it's replying "no" to,
> > > if I do this in a loop with 100 users, it could be replying back with
> > > 20 "no"s and I can't tell how I'd match the replies up with the
> requests.
> > Yes you can, try using the asyncToken generated by
> > service.invokeWs(user) and store your user in some property (eg.
> > currentUser) , once you get the resultEvent, that AsyncToken will have
> > the corresponding user stored (event.token.currentUser).
> >
> > --
> >
> > João Fernandes
> >
> > Adobe Certified Expert
> > Adobe Community Expert
> >
> >
> > Portugal Adobe User Group (
> >


João Fernandes

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