It might be a good opportunity to loosely couple things and apply a more 
Service Oriented Architecture approach.  Using SOA principles, changing out the 
business logic layer ie BlazeDS or LiveCycle wouldn't require a massive rewrite 
of the data or client layer.  Just in how the data and presentation layers 
interact with whatever you implement in the business layer.  

Sort of like the whole MVC architecture applied enterprise wide.  Not the 
easiest thing in the world to do, but it does come him handy and helps prevent 
massive re-design in all 3 enterprise application entities.

Obviously that sounds nice on paper and doesn't change things after the fact, 
but it might be a good approach going forward.

--- In, "busitech" <m...@...> wrote:
> I'm curious how many of your projects were deployed into production using the 
> no-charge Single CPU (or the 100-user departmental) licenses of LCDS 2.x.
> Since the release of LCDS 3.0, neither of these licenses exist.  This leaves 
> our small business customers running in production using the Single CPU 
> license with no upgrade path going forward, unless they can come up with the 
> steep license fees for ES2.  I doubt any of our customers will be able to 
> afford it.
> Needless to say, this seriously impedes our ability to do business on the 
> LCDS platform going forward in the SMB market we serve.  It also leaves our 
> hands tied with respect to the software we've already developed and deployed. 
>  BlazeDS is not an option - it would require a total rewrite of client and 
> server, and mass annihilation of features.
> How are these changes affecting your business?

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