I should also mention we're using CF9 on the back-end.  So the VOs have to be 
defined in .CFC files as well.  So if anyone can tell me how to do dynamic VOs 
in both CF9 and Flex, that'd be wonderful.

Alternatively, if there's a way to transfer data between Flex and CF9 that 
doesn't involve VOs (but is still strongly structured and typed, like VOs are), 
then perhaps we need to do it that way?  I'm extremely confused here...  I've 
written this program from the beginning with statically-defined VOs, and now I 
discover that that's just not going to work.

So if anyone can point me in the right direction to help me learn what my 
alternatives to statically-defined VOs are, I'd really appreciate it.  I have 
found a couple of blog posts about "bindable dynamic value objects", but only 
how to create them in Flex -- not how to export the data in them from Flex to 
CF9.  And the posts are pretty darn confusing, anyway...  Heck, at this point 
I'd be willing to PAY someone to teach me how to do this, one-on-one.  I really 
need someone who's an expert in both Flex 3.5a and ColdFusion 9.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Laurence" <lmacne...@...> wrote:
> The program that I'm working on is for a company that does registrations for 
> conventions and trade-shows.  Different clients want different information 
> stored for each show.  Most of the information is the same from show-to-show, 
> but every show has certain customizations that need to be done.
> The way they're doing it now is by going into the source code of their 
> program and modifying it that way.  We could do the same thing with our Flex 
> app, but I'm trying like heck to avoid that...
> The problem I'm running into is the Flex Value Objects -- they pretty much 
> have to be compiled into the .SWF file, which means we're stuck modifying 
> source-code and re-compiling for each individual show.  Not the solution we 
> want.
> Is there a way to dynamically create and/or modify Value Objects so they can 
> be changed without re-compiling the .SWF file?  So that if a particular 
> client wants stuff tracked that a different client doesn't want tracked, we 
> don't have to create a generic version of our database that has all these 
> extra fields in it, which most clients don't need?
> As it stands right now, the Value Objects force us to make every database for 
> every show exactly the same -- unless we modify the Value Objects for each 
> individual show and re-compile a separate .SWF file for that show...  If 
> there were a way to write, say, an .XML file that the program could read and 
> modify itself accordingly for each show, that would be brilliant.  Is there a 
> way to do that?
> Thanks,
> Laurence MacNeill
> Mableton, Georgia, USA

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