We're using an SQL database with a ColdFusion "intermediary" between the Flex 
app and the database...  I've used XML files to configure a couple of the 
components -- give the user the option to change the layout of a component, for 
example, by modifying the contents of a config.xml file, that sort of thing...  
But I don't see us replacing our database with a bunch of XML files...  (Or 
maybe I completely misunderstood your reply, which is quite possible...)

I was hoping that there might be a way to get the program to modify its VOs by 
reading from an XML file what fields I want the VO to store...  But honestly, I 
don't care where that info is stored...  I just need to figure out how to 
dynamically modify a VO (and have ColdFusion realize that the VO has been 
changed by the Flex app) so I can deal with databases that have had fields 
added or changed without having to re-compile the entire program every time...  
And then, of course, how to reference these dynamically-modified VOs in my 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nick Middleweek <n...@...> wrote:
> Hi Laurence,
> I'm pretty new to Flex so there might be reasons to stick with Value Objects
> that I'm unaware of but you can definitely read and write XML and generate
> forms, layouts, etc on the fly based on the XML contents. I've used E4X to
> query XML data that I've sucked in from an HTTP call, modified the XML using
> E4X and pinged it back up to the HTTP server to save the XML data for later
> use.
> Hope that helps...
> Cheers,
> Nick
> --
> http://blog.middleweek.co.uk/
> On 2 March 2010 19:19, Laurence <lmacne...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The program that I'm working on is for a company that does registrations
> > for conventions and trade-shows. Different clients want different
> > information stored for each show. Most of the information is the same from
> > show-to-show, but every show has certain customizations that need to be
> > done.
> >
> > The way they're doing it now is by going into the source code of their
> > program and modifying it that way. We could do the same thing with our Flex
> > app, but I'm trying like heck to avoid that...
> >
> > The problem I'm running into is the Flex Value Objects -- they pretty much
> > have to be compiled into the .SWF file, which means we're stuck modifying
> > source-code and re-compiling for each individual show. Not the solution we
> > want.
> >
> > Is there a way to dynamically create and/or modify Value Objects so they
> > can be changed without re-compiling the .SWF file? So that if a particular
> > client wants stuff tracked that a different client doesn't want tracked, we
> > don't have to create a generic version of our database that has all these
> > extra fields in it, which most clients don't need?
> >
> > As it stands right now, the Value Objects force us to make every database
> > for every show exactly the same -- unless we modify the Value Objects for
> > each individual show and re-compile a separate .SWF file for that show... If
> > there were a way to write, say, an .XML file that the program could read and
> > modify itself accordingly for each show, that would be brilliant. Is there a
> > way to do that?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Laurence MacNeill
> > Mableton, Georgia, USA
> >
> >

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