One feature which i dont like about most of the flex frameworks is the use
of flex events for business logic communication E.g. one module trying to
notify others about a business logic based alert. The synchronous
notification pattern borrowed from Cocoa seems to be a better approach in
case of multi-modular scenarios.

Below is the link to the same -

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Jake Churchill <> wrote:

> I have been tasked with architecting a large application for a company a
> friend of mine works at.  I will also do some of the coding and act as a
> mentor, teaching people on staff the ins and outs of Flex.
> In the past, I've always used Cairngorm and Cairngorm w/ UM Extensions for
> a framework.  I wrote a very basic app w/ Mate once just to learn it and I
> didn't really like it.  So, my question to everyone here is what Framework
> would you chose?  Keep in mind, the people I'll be working with are
> relatively new to flex and the application is going to end up being quite
> large.  Down the road it will likely have an AIR counterpart.  We might use
> modules but for now I'm staying away from that because it adds another layer
> of complexity that in the initial stages is not needed.
> My thoughts on this are that Cairngorm would be easier to learn for them
> and they had talked about brining more people on in the future for this
> project.  If that's the case, it would likely be easier to find people
> familiar with Cairngorm than some of the alternatives.  But, I don't want to
> rule out any of the alternatives if they might actually be a better choice.
> Opinions please.
> Thanks!
> -Jake Churchill

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