On 01/05/2010, at 1:50 AM, PFD Studio wrote:

> The talk about openness is completely disingenuous. Flash/Flex/ActionScript 
> is vastly more open than any of the relevant Apple technologies.

How do you figure that HTML5 is less open than Flash?

> Moreover, what Jobs really wants is for Quicktime to be the video technology 
> of choice.

And Adobe wants everyone to use Flash...but at least Apple is driving adoption 
of bona-fide standards. Flash is not an open standard.

> I believe Apple will eventually have to cave to market pressure on this one. 
> Unfortunately, the delay is a pain in the neck for everyone.

It's an interesting battle. I'd have to say Jobs is running a pretty ballsy 
line on it. At this stage it doesn't seem to be doing Apple any harm at all and 
it's certainly helping to raise the profile of HTML5 and the benefits of 
standards in general, which I think is a good thing.


> -pd

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