Two or three times. Then I get the spinning beach ball.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Richard Rodseth <>wrote:

> I think I already mentioned it was called twice. I can double-check
> tomorrow.
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:35 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
>> Set a breakpoint on setSelectionDataLoop.  See how often it gets called.
>> On 5/17/10 4:49 PM, "Richard Rodseth" <> wrote:
>> Thanks for trying. No, the presentation model has an array collection
>> whose .source gets changed after an HTTPService call returns (although I
>> should mention that I am using my mock service layer at the moment). I added
>> a a collection change listener to the collection reference.
>> I have set a breakpoint in setSelectionDataLoop(). I hit it twice (the
>> parameters appear the same - index 0, items array containing the object to
>> select, useFind=false). Then the debugger stopped with the finally{} block
>> in Binding.watcherFired highlighted and the stack crawl below. Below this
>> stack crawl I've included the last few lines of the one that shows up in the
>> console.
>> Main Thread (Suspended: Error: Error #1502: A script has executed for
>> longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.)
>>     mx.binding::Binding/watcherFired
>>     mx.binding::Watcher/notifyListeners
>>     mx.binding::PropertyWatcher/eventHandler
>> [no source]
>> [no source]
>> com.companyname.admin.deviceshome.ui.presentation::DevicesHome/changeSelectedGroupIds
>> com.companyname.admin.deviceshome.ui.presentation::DevicesHome/groupsChangedListener
>> [no source]
>> [no source]
>>     mx.collections::ListCollectionView/dispatchEvent
>>     mx.collections::ListCollectionView/
>>     mx.collections::ListCollectionView/set list
>>     mx.collections::ArrayCollection/set source
>>     <anonymous>
>>     mx.rpc::Responder/result
>>     <anonymous>
>>     Array$/_forEach [no source]
>>     Array/ [no source]
>>     <anonymous>
>>     flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch [no source]
>>     flash.utils::Timer/tick [no source]
>> Console:
>> Error: Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default
>> timeout period of 15 seconds.
>>     at mx.controls.treeClasses::HierarchicalViewCursor/moveNext()
>>     at
>> mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/setSelectionDataLoop()[C:\autobuild\3.5.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\controls\listClasses\]
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Oleg Sivokon <>
>> wrote:
>> I wish I could help more... well here's another guess:
>> - if you are using XML / XMLList, and have used insertBefore / isertAfter
>> from the same XML / XMLList, then it is a known bug.
>> - if you dispatch "collectionChange" on your own you might have messed
>> something in the event's properties, which then will make the collection run
>> in a loop thinking it's being updated over and over again. It is slow, but
>> it isn't that slow to run out of script timeout limit :)
>> Anyways, bindings are the first suspect in such case, but if that's not...
>> ah, and, why won't you debug it? the debugger should be able to look into
>> the framework sources. If, for whatever reason it doesn't, copy the Tree and
>> other classes involved into your project and try debugging this way.
>> Best.
>> Oleg
>> --
>> Alex Harui
>> Flex SDK Team
>> Adobe System, Inc.

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