Because today HTML5 is not yet ready and will not be ready for the next
5-10 years in my opinion. There are still many things you can only do in
Flash and many other that are very difficult to do with HTML5. In my
opinion HTML5 is a hype anyway, some new tags, css and js elements and
functions. Browser-compatibility, layout, animation, video and much more is
handled very easily with Flex/Flash. Should we replace the strong-typed and
compiled AS 3 language with JavaScript? I'm working on a video chat
application that uses FMS and P2P multicats, can you do that with HTML??

Personnally I don't think Flex is dead, the Flex community will continue to
implement it and there will be some companies offering support for it.

Only when Adobe stops the development of the Flash player for the Desktop I
will say that Flash is really dead.

Let's help the Spoon project and make Flex better than ever!

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web & RIA Development

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Rick Schmitty <> wrote:

> **
> I've been a Flex developer since it's first beta however many years ago.
>  Today I just saw this response from Adobe:
> *Does Adobe recommend we use Flex or HTML5 for our enterprise application
>> development?
>> *In the long-term, *we believe HTML5 will be the best technology for
>> enterprise application development*. We also know that, currently, Flex
>> has clear benefits for large-scale client projects typically associated
>> with desktop application profiles.
>> Given our experiences innovating on Flex, we are extremely well
>> positioned to positively contribute to the advancement of HTML5
>> development, starting with mobile applications. In fact, *many of the
>> engineers and product managers who worked on Flex SDK will be moving to
>> work on our HTML efforts*. We will continue making significant
>> contributions to open web technologies like WebKit & jQuery, advance the
>> development of PhoneGap and create new tools that solve the challenges
>> developers face when building applications with HTML5.
> Emphasis mine.  If anyone has followed any game or application development
> where 'many members' of the team are switched to the next greatest thing,
> that normally means there are few maintenance developers for the existing
> product and not much new innovation to it.  The company wants its best and
> brightest working on its future, not supporting its past.
> Combine that with the facts that Adobe bought PhoneGap and released Edge
> preview.  It's not hard to put all these facts together and see that long
> term they want an IDE & framework for app development in HTML5.  Perhaps
> Flex5 will be an HTML5 version of Flex as they start putting together html5
> components
> Outside of "having to support IE6" why would you choose to start a project
> in Flex today?

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