Are you saying you've tried to port this to JS and it did not run as well?

I'll try to remember this site as we work on FlexJS.


From: "Dan Pride<> 
[flexcoders]" <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 4:34 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

Good Idea, it would be piling one hysteria on top of another so to speak ;)

 I urge you to consider I wrote this just before IE 8.
Still runs pretty good.
My first, a little embarrassing internally to me now but still.
Compare "way back then" to the future you are asking for now.
Try clicking a few lists or pictures etc

Dan Pride
1-206-313-4607 Mobile<><><>

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:40 PM, "Alex Harui<> [flexcoders]" 
<<>> wrote:

I'm going to ignore your brush fire topic, but I will address two other points:

"juice under the hood".  That is a concern for trying to emulate Flash or the 
current Flex SDK in JS since that is quite a bit of code.  But for FlexJS, if 
you look at the prototype of the JQuery wrapping, it is a thin layer written to 
implement whatever was needed to implement an AS emulation of JQuery.  So, in 
theory, if FlexJS using JQuery isn't fast enough, it probably wasn't going to 
be fast enough use JQuery either.  And that's not a problem for the Apache Flex 
project.  The browser companies know they need to get their JS implementations 
to work faster and computers and devices are getting faster.  It might be a 
problem now, but may not be in the future.

Also note that in many cases JS runs faster than AS.  In the JS code we do 
write for FlexJS we are trying to re-use code as much as possible, which is 
supposed to take advantage of the JS optimizers.  That's why FlexJS is using 
more composition instead of inheritance since AS doesn't support multiple 

"pixel-by-pixel control".  If the industry demands it, the browser 
manufacturers will deliver.  It doesn't matter for FlexJS, although it would 
probably make some things easier or faster.  Already, we've seen significant 
convergence towards "standards" in the main browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Android, 
IOS).  Compare what we have today vs back in IE6 or even IE8.


From: "<> [flexcoders]" 
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 12:05 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

I certainly wish you the best with the javascript implementation. But have to 
admit to strong doubts about it. No matter how many hoops you put yourself 
through you are still working without many fundamentals of advanced 
programming. There just isn't the juice under the hood, maybe with parallel 
processing, but then we are getting close to a million monkeys banging on 
typewriters til they eventually produce a novel aren't we?
I think the latest ie browser brought flash into the browser as a native 
element not a plug in. Like it or not you got it. I was stunned to hear it 
being done by MS, but its a brilliant way to bring about a correction to the 
market hysteria which dominated after Job's death, and Adobe's stupid response. 
Eventually the industry will demand pixel by pixel interface control, there 
just is no substitute equal to it by definition. After all the burning at the 
stake stuff, it will probably be called "shadow" o! r something, not flash, but 
a rose by any other name.

At the risk of creating a never ending brush fire (oh what the hey its fun 
sometimes), I wonder if some of the jump on flash and pummel it hysteria had an 
unacknowledged element of gay bashing.  Adobe, deserve it or not, like it or 
not, had quite a reputation. There was one advocate, I think it was in RTMP 
networking videos, that would insert short clips of himself getting back ended 
after about 45 minutes of mind numbing, real high end, discussion. I thought it 
was funny as hell, removed the glaze from your eyes, and dropped your jaw the 
first time you saw it, but i think others were not so amused. (Hey, Kiddies 
certainly aren't going to get that far into one of these unless they are 
enrolling at Harvard at 12 or something, and I survived the experience, and 
found the fast forward button). I think the bent over man statue in front of 
the offices also h! elped with the rep issue. BUT WHO CARES ! Credit where 
credit ! is due. There were some of the most brilliant programmers with some of 
the greatest contributions by software developers ever. We have witnessed a 
modern equivalent of the Salem Witch trials on this one for whatever reasons, 
and the amusing part is that we actually think we are advanced beyond that.

Dan Pride

P.S. Why can't women advocates get away with this once in a while :)

        • R... Barry Gold [flexcoders]
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            • ... Wemerson Couto GuimarĂ£es [flexcoders]
            • ... Scott Fanetti [flexcoders]
              • ... Dan Pride [flexcoders]
              • ... Alex Harui [flexcoders]
              • ... [flexcoders]
              • ... Alex Harui [flexcoders]
              • ... Dan Pride [flexcoders]
              • ... Alex Harui [flexcoders]
            • ... John Hall [flexcoders]
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      • Re: [... David Adams [flexcoders]
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