You are right, this is the tricky part. However, there is an easy way around it.
Install CF and Flex separately (2 jvm instance, or 2 wars in the same instance). Then point you projects -services option to the flex2 services-config.xml. This will allow you to use the FDS and messaging stuff.
And to use ColdFusions Flash Remoting you will create and configure the Channel via actionscript instead of letting FlexBuilder do it automatically. I don't have the exact syntax, but you want to create a ChannelSet object, and set the mx:RemoteObject channelset property to be the channel set instance you created.
When you are creating the ChannelSet object, really the only important thing is the endpoint url to the CF FlashRemoting servlet "/flex2gateway/"

João Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The only problem that I see running seperated instances of FDS & CFMX is the fact that FDS doesn't ship with the remoting for CF so when you define CF remoting destinations(the "ColdFusion" one) it throws an error, so to be able to use a mix of remoting + data management you'll have to keep 2 xml files, one for FDS and one for compilation. If there is another way, I didn't find any documentation about it.

I have it running CFMX7+ FDS and now without issues but more documentation about this would be nice.

One of the issues about the technote is the fact that FDS and CFMX7 both uses a MessageBrokerServlet definition. I kept the CF (the Flex one couldn't load those CF remoting Classes)

João Fernandes

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jim
Sent: Thu 06-Jul-06 7:54 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: FDS on CFMX configuration problems

I tried the same thing (combining FDS with CFMX 7.0.2) using the
same technote and wasn't able to get it to work. I emailed an
insider at Adobe on the Coldfusion team I met at the CFObjective
conference and learned that they aren't very happy with that
technote and recommended that I run FDS and CFMX separately for now.

I haven't tried that yet, but apparently you did and it was
working, which is encouraging to me. I've spent three days trying to
get FDS working with a fresh installation of CFMX 7 Multiserver
(JRun4) option. The WEB-INF directory installs in the nested
directories within the JRun4 folder, but the new CF/Flex Wizard
expects the WEB-INF to be in the webroot.

I've been having issues with the services-config.xml file. I found a
copy of the file Ben Forta uses on the sys-con website which has
worked so far.

But if you manage to combine FDS and CFMX 7 and get them working,
please share what you did.


Jim Pickering

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Tom Bray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I first started working with FDS, I used the standalone
version with
> integrated JRun and had FB configured to launch FDS and direct its
> to the output pane in FB. I was happy.
> Now, I'm trying to configure FDS on top of CFMX and haven't had
> success. I used the instructions below at this link:
> It would be very helpful if Adobe would expand upon those
instructions with
> the steps for getting the sample apps up and running.
> Also, the instructions for setting up debugging (
> need to be updated for the final release of FDS and I'd love to
see a
> similar document for setting up debugging with FDS on CFMX.
> In the meantime, I'm having errors that I don't know how to get
> information on. I'm trying to get the notes sample app running,
and I get
> this error:
> [RPC Fault faultString="Send failed"
> faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error
NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP:
> Status 500"]
> Subscribing to the notes destination works, but sending a message
> I obviously need more details to diagnose the problem, so an
explanation of
> how to see that logging information would be awesome.
> Thanks,
> Tom

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