
I think you should take a look at the;

import mx.controls.treeClasses.HierarchicalViewCursor;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.HierarchicalCollectionView;


I don't think the 'underpinnings' are incorrect. It's just conceptually
there are differences that present themselves in that collection view.

As far as your problem, I haven't run into that.

As far as your 'issue' about the openItems;

I think you are looking at it backwards. You are thinking open items means
closed items as well.

I don't see anything wrong in getting a list of open items and taking 'out'
the items you don't want open. THus creating closed items.

The point of the openItems is to collect a list and use it with their
collection view. There is nothing in the model that says 'isOpen'. So you
have to bend the way you think and say, I have these open items now, I am
taking items out of the open items, now these items are closed.

Peace, Mike

On 12/12/06, hank williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Here's the issue.

You have a tree that has certain leaves open.

You get a selectedIndex from a tree lets say its 9. This means that
the 10th visible slot on the screen is selected, regardless of what is
or isnt open. Its 10 rows from the top of the screen.

Then, you put that captured selectedIndex back. Its 9.

But now the 9 seem not to mean the 10th row, but the 10th item at the
top level of the data structure. So if your first leaf in the tree is
open and it has 10 children, you will be selecting the 20th row on the

In other words, reading a selectedIndex seems to be different from
setting a selectedIndex. This is interesting also because it is very
similar to my issue yesterday about the openItems being different when
you read it than when you set it.

It appears to me there are a bunch of issues in the tree control
related to the fact that it is a heirarchical object being mapped to a
flat underlying list structure. Another similar issue is that the
iterators do not iterate over all the items in the tree, just the ones
at the top level. An iterator that doesnt iterate over all the objects
in the list doesnt seem to me to be very useful.

I think all of this exposes some problems with the conceptual
underpinnings of the tree object. I would love to hear if others have
had similar issues.


Teoti Graphix

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