On 12/12/06, Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I think you should take a look at the;

import mx.controls.treeClasses.HierarchicalViewCursor;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.HierarchicalCollectionView;


I don't think the 'underpinnings' are incorrect. It's just conceptually
there are differences that present themselves in that collection view.

The underpinnings are incorrect in that if you trace the code that is
invoked when you set selectedIndex you end up in commitSelectedIndex and the
iterator and specifically the cursor that is used is not a
HierarchicalViewCursor, but a flat view cursor that in no way acknowledges
the hierarchical structure of the tree. I have just single stepped through
the code and it is clear that at least the selectedIndex setter has no idea
that it is a hierarchical tree as opposed to a list.

As far as your problem, I haven't run into that.

To bad. It would be helpful to hear from someone who knows what the deal is
with this. Its quite frustrating.

As far as your 'issue' about the openItems;

I think you are looking at it backwards. You are thinking open items means
closed items as well.

No, my 'issue' is not be cause I am looking at it backwards. I am looking at
it the only logical way to look at it. OpenItems is not a method, it is a
property. Properties reflect state. This means that openItems should be a
list of all and *only* open items. And since it is a property that can be
read and written we should be able to set the list of which items are open
and which are closed. If they intended to make it work such that setting
openItems just adds to a list of open items then they should have made it a
function and not property.

I don't see anything wrong in getting a list of open items and taking 'out'
the items you don't want open. THus creating closed items.

There is nothing wrong with this if openItems is a function and not a
read/write property. As a read/write property this is poor design.

The point of the openItems is to collect a list and use it with their
collection view. There is nothing in the model that says 'isOpen'. So you
have to bend the way you think and say, I have these open items now, I am
taking items out of the open items, now these items are closed.

Again, this may be how they were thinking when they designed it. But if so,
first it should be documented, and second it should be a function.


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