I dont quite understand. I am trying to set the selectedItem in the tree
control. There is no concept of selection in the dataprovider so I dont know
how I could set the set a selected item in the data vs the view. Selection
is a view only concept.


On 12/12/06, Johannes Nel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

use .item of the treeEvent to get the model and use selectedItem in the
tree to set according to model.
so what i am basically saying is do your iteration over the dataprovider
and code according to the data vs the view.

On 12/12/06, hank williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Here's the issue.
> You have a tree that has certain leaves open.
> You get a selectedIndex from a tree lets say its 9. This means that
> the 10th visible slot on the screen is selected, regardless of what is
> or isnt open. Its 10 rows from the top of the screen.
> Then, you put that captured selectedIndex back. Its 9.
> But now the 9 seem not to mean the 10th row, but the 10th item at the
> top level of the data structure. So if your first leaf in the tree is
> open and it has 10 children, you will be selecting the 20th row on the
> screen.
> In other words, reading a selectedIndex seems to be different from
> setting a selectedIndex. This is interesting also because it is very
> similar to my issue yesterday about the openItems being different when
> you read it than when you set it.
> It appears to me there are a bunch of issues in the tree control
> related to the fact that it is a heirarchical object being mapped to a
> flat underlying list structure. Another similar issue is that the
> iterators do not iterate over all the items in the tree, just the ones
> at the top level. An iterator that doesnt iterate over all the objects
> in the list doesnt seem to me to be very useful.
> I think all of this exposes some problems with the conceptual
> underpinnings of the tree object. I would love to hear if others have
> had similar issues.
> Hank


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