Until Apollo is real and proves to have the features you are requesting 
(c++ extensibility??), the profile of your project says "Director" all 
over it.  At least if you are trying to keep within the Adobe product 
line for software development.  A Director shell, that is, which uses an 
embedded web browser (WebXTRA or one of the others for cross-plat work), 
adhoc peer/peer connections (MUS XTRA in client/server modes) and access 
to the file system for various things (FileIO XTRA, FileXTRA4 - 
read/write/query for the file system, BuddyAPI XTRA for tight 
integration with OS).  C++ Extensibility through XTRA architecture for 
cross-plat work or ActiveX on Windows.  Don't know about the screen 
reader though.
It will be interesting indeed if Apollo steps into the game at that 
level...  Anyway, something to think about, good luck!

Essl, Markus wrote:
> Hello!
> I wanted to ask if there is a place for a wish list for Apollo. It is
> christmas anyway!
> First of all, our company creates Computer Based Training Modules -
> which are available online (for use in an LMS) but are also available
> offline on CD. These CBTs are made with Authorware, Flash or DHTML, or a
> combination thereof. 
> Currently we need an own browser (based on Mozillla) to make these
> things launchable from CD (we need access to the file system because of
> tracking user scores between sessions and to integrate into the desktop,
> etc.; also classroom teaching (ad-hoc peer-to-peer without the need to
> setup) is a thing we will address sooner or later). 
> When I heard about Apollo I was excited (and I still am). It would mean
> that we can offer part of our CBTs for download (because the current
> system takes more than 20mb just for framework, plus 300kb actual
> content).
> The number #1 wish for me is this: create flash applications that run
> from CD (like a Flash Projector) WITHOUT the need to install anything
> (like Flash Projector, but with more rights and more access to the
> system). 
> It may sound stupid for the rest of us, but customers demand that they
> do not want to install anything - they want to insert the CD, and it
> should run, without EULAs, installing and without accessing the internet
> or whatever, just run.
> The number #2 wish for me is: be able to extend it with C++ code - even
> if it means to loose platform compatibility. 
> And Number #3: That it is accessible to screen readers (i have had hard
> times with the flash projector - i just could not get the screen reader
> to recognize the settings).
> I am sorry that this might be the wrong group for that. If there is any
> chance that there is an official wish list please tell me.
> Markus

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