Sorry, sent the last response before seeing this.


I would think smaller swf sizes would be a good thing.  Did you run into
the "too many small pieces, too many fetches over the net" issue?  Maybe
you could take advantage of the -frame option to pack several modules
into a larger download.


I'd like to know more about what you think the framework needs to do to
better support modules.  The shared manager problem has tripped many,
but I give a template for solving that in the examples.


I don't know if the Cairngorm folks are planning any module-related
features, but if you're using Cairngorm today and that tripped you up,
I'm sure they'd like to hear why.


I agree that the ModuleLoader kills your ability to use binding, but
keep in mind that binding would also prevent a module from unloading in
many situations.  Also, binding is really powerful and convenient, but
sometimes I feel it is overused (especially cuz we have some
optimization issues around binding to constants) and fatten your
application unnecessarily.  The underlying principle of binding is
really event dispatching and if you wire it up yourself, you can still
have unloadable modules.  However, if you have scenarios in mind, we can
look into smoothing them out in 3.0.


Embedded Fonts...  I'll have to try that out.  I would think that my
shared code example would apply though.  Unless you want to unload the
font later.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bjorn Schultheiss
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Modules at 360Flex conference




Smaller Swf output file sizes,

Module support within the mx framework,

Module support within Cairngorm,

Issues with Viewstacks and Binding,

Embedding Fonts,


I think there are a couple more as well.






On 08/03/2007, at 1:11 PM, shaun wrote:

Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:
> Hey Alex,
> After your experience with modules do you believe it was the correct 
> decision to include it in 2.01 as opposed to waiting for 3.0?
! > Over here we just refactored away from modules to the mon! olithic
> because of outstanding issues..

What are the outstanding issues?

- shaun



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