Dang, that's a good idea.... I'll totally have a play with that one

Thanks Mike!!!

On 3/22/07, Mike Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Windows are all in scope, so you dont have to use LocalConnection.

Just have one window broadcast an event, and have the other listen for it.

mike chambers

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mesh%40adobe.com>

Michael Schmalle wrote:
> I would go out on a limb and say yes.
> Not in alpha but, if we are going to be able to addChild() on a newly
> created window, I don't see why you could communicate with a window that

> you created from the main app.
> Peace, Mike
> On 22 Mar 2007 14:32:13 -0700, *Mark Doberenz* <[EMAIL 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <dobieag01%40gmail.com>>> wrote:
> Oh yeah, I remember playing with those a long time ago... not the
> nicest stuff to deal with from what I can remember.
> Thanks
> On 22 Mar 2007 14:28:43 -0700, * Carlos Rovira*
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <carlos.rovira%40gmail.com> <mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <carlos.rovira%40gmail.com>>> wrote:
> You should read about LocalConnection. It's an old Flash API to
> communicate between different flash movies
> 2007/3/22, Mark Doberenz < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <dobieag01%40gmail.com>
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <dobieag01%40gmail.com>>>:
> I've been thinking about using Apollo for an extension to
> an app I've been working on in Flex.
> The current issue with the Flex app is that it's locked to
> a web browser and really only runs on one screen. I know
> you can stretch the web browser across multiple screens, but
> that's not quite what I want.
> I know Apollo has windowing capabilities and it seems to
> be quite nice as far as transparent / custom windows goes,
> which is pretty cool.
> However, one thing I'd need to be able to do is have one
> window communicate with another window by passing certain
> bits of information back and forth.
> So, here's the $64,000 question.... "Does Apollo allow for
> communication between different app windows?"
> Any info on this would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
> Mark
> --
> ::| Carlos Rovira
> ::| http://www.carlosrovira.com <http://www.carlosrovira.com>
> ::| http://www.madeinflex.com <http://www.madeinflex.com>
> --
> Teoti Graphix
> http://www.teotigraphix.com <http://www.teotigraphix.com>
> Blog - Flex2Components
> http://www.flex2components.com <http://www.flex2components.com>
> You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

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