I think it would be illuminating for you to set a breakpoint in the
updateTransform method of the BubbleSeries class and check out what
flex is doing with renderData.filteredCache.  This is what it uses to
compute the bubble sizes.

You are right, there is no min bubble size, and the basic transform
scales the radius, not the area of the bubble, which I find very
misleading.  What it means is that two bubbles that are a factor of
two different in terms of their radiusField value are actually 4 times
different in area.  This confused the hell out of our users and was
logged against us as a bug.

I can share an overloaded bubbleseries class with you that I have
adjusted to have a min bubble size and which scales the area according
to the radiusField and not the radius.  Ely Greenfield deserves a
mention here for helping me out with it.

Let me know if you want the class and I'll email it to you.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "gaurav1146" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What you say seems fine that the size of bubbles should change based
> on the data set that is displayed. But the problem is that the size of
> all the bubbles that are on display after the slide do not change.
> Lets say if initially 6 bubbles were displayed on the chart and after
> the slide motion only 3 are displayed. Then what is happening is that
> in remaining 3, the sizes of only 1 or 2 bubbles change while the size
> of one of them may remain totally unaffected by the slide. Also the
> size changes are drastic such that even big bubbles are reduced to
> nearly point sized bubbles.
> I do have a maxRadius set up im my bubbleSeries but there seems to be
> no option for minRadius.
> TIA 
> Gaurav
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "simonjpalmer" <simonjpalmer@>
> wrote:
> >
> > do you have the same set of bubbles visible after your slider
> > "magnification" as before?  
> > 
> > The default bubbleseries sizes the bubbles *that are displayed*
> > relative to one another based on the radius field (the series has a
> > display list that it uses for sizing).  
> > 
> > If you add or remove bubbles the relative sizes of the remaining
> > bubbles change.  They still refer to the radius field, but because
> > they are a different set they will have different proportions.
> > 
> > Do you have max and min bubble sizes set?
> > 
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "gaurav1146" <gaurav1146@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >  I have created a chart which consists of LineSeries and bubble
> > > something like
> > >  <mx:CartesianChart>
> > >  ....   
> > >  <mx:Series><mx:LineSeries../><mx:BubbleSeries ..../></mx:Series> 
> > >  </mx:CartesianChart>      
> > > 
> > >  The sizes of the bubble initially displayed proportionately
based on
> > > the radiusField in the BubbleSeries. But, now I have added a HSlider
> > > based of which a user can see/magnify different section of the
> > > Based on position of the slider I slice the ArrayCollection that
> > > provides data to the series.
> > > But, the problem after adding the slider is that the bubble sizes
> > > sometimes do not appear proportionate to the radiusField of the
> > > series. I could not figure out the reason for this. Any help
would be
> > > greatly appreciated.
> > > TIA
> > > Gaurav
> > >
> >

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